Develop more muscle by implementing these 5 steps.

Everybody loves feeling a great pump after a workout and almost everybody hates cardio. Devoting gym time to cardiovascular exercise feels as if you're burning away hard-earned muscle but you're not, you're revealing it.
It's alright if you want to gain mass but you also need to define those muscles.For a lean and chiseled physique, you need cardio work. You don't need much cardio (15 to 20 minutes twice a week max), and most of it should be at a high intensity. After a few weeks, you’ll start to notice less fat and greater muscle definition.  

1- Changing the Cycle

The frequency, intensity, and duration of your cardiovascular workouts should variate. If you're trying to add muscle, keep your aerobic work to a minimum (about once or twice a week for about 15 to 20 minutes.) This process limits your energy expenditure and allows your body to concentrate on building muscle.
If you're trying to get lean, increase your cardio training to two to four times a week, this process helps strip away excess body fat. At all times, alternate your cardio methods so your workout's not so boring. For instance, treadmill running 1 day, rowing or elliptical training the next, cycling the day after that.

2- Separating Cardio from Lifting

Cardiovascular training could impede your ability to recover from intense strength training but that all depends  on when and how you do your cardio. Space your cardio days and strength days from each other as much as possible. That way your cardio won't hinder gains in strength and size. For instance, if you do a tough cycling workout after you hammer your legs with squats and lunges and your goal is to build bigger legs think again... it's best to save your cardio for the next day, or even 2 days later, to give your legs the rest they need.If doing cardio and weights on the same day is a must, then choose a form of aerobic work that emphasizes body parts your weight lifting didn't focus on that day. So, if rowing is your cardio choice, which works your upper body as much as it does your legs, do it on a day when your weight session doesn't concentrate on your upper body.
No matter what route you choose, make sure to hit the weights first. You don't want to wipe yourself out before your weight routine, that would get the most out of your session, and lifting when you are tired could be dangerous.

3- Not making an Impact

Don't do a high-impact cardio training. Your body has enough to contend with in repairing the damage that lifting inflicts on it. Concentrate on cardio workouts that minimize microtrauma (small tears to muscle fibers tat are part of the process of building new muscle.) Running on asphalt, concrete, or any hard surfaces can be traumatic to muscles and joints. Jumping rope can cause similar problems.
Your best choices for low-impact exercise are swimming, cycling, and using an elliptical machine.

4- Ignoring the "Fat-Burning Zone"

There's a myth that you have to work out continuously for 20 minutes before you begin burning fat. The thinking behind this was that you needed to exercise in a range between 60 percent and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. Any lower was too easy, and any higher made it too difficult to efficiently use fat for fuel. Ignore that theory. Your body uses more energy overall when training at high intensities the physique of a sprinter is proof of this. Going all out also makes better use of your time since you can finish your cardio in an intense 10- to 15-minute workout.
Stick to interval workouts that feature short bursts of high-intensity movement followed by active recovery periods. This approach is best for your heart and for fat loss.

5- Choosing the Path of Most Resistance

Two great ways to increase intensity are: changing the gears on a bike and altering the gradient on a treadmill. Just make sure that the level of resistance you choose won't inflict with the amount of work you're able to do when you return to the weight room.

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